Post your prayer request so that we can collaborate with you in prayer.
Post your praise reports so that we can celebrate with you.

You can even let those who have posted prayers know that you are praying for them by clicking the “Praying” button inside any of the prayer requests below.

You can also let others know that you are celebrating with them by clicking the “Praising” button inside any of the praise reports below.



Praying for my cousin Rita who is having neurological issues: migraines, swelling on brain. I pray for total healing. Pray also for my friends Anne and Candi, both dealing with diabetes. I Pray that they get control of their diabetes by eating healthy and regularly excercising. Also praying for women who have adult children that are going through struggles. I pray that God allow the parents to love their child and to deal with them with power and authourity by his might and will, so that they will continue to have peace in the struggle.

12 People are praying
Maria P | 2022-04-04



Hi Team. Thank you for this website. Thank you for praying for our prayer request may the lord bless you in all aspect and your family .May you never get tired praying helping and winning souls.I KNOW God is happy in heaven Godbless you. I pray for this following prayer request I pray for the salvation of me my family valdez family, liwanag and espanola and ramos family . I pray that we will turn away from sins seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness at all the time to enter the paradise and have eternal life and salvation. Please pray for our salvation and that we will be written in the book of life Please pray for my mental illness which is bipolar disorder will not come back i got confined in mental facility i got mentally ill thanks God i got healed and become ok again Please pray that it will not come back anymore. Please pray for me to have a stable job May the lord bless us financially to be financially stable and uplift from poverty. Pray for our water that it will reconnected again it got disconnected because we havent pay the bills for a long time its hard we dont have water we only get water from our neighbor. Thank you so much

5 People are praying
Krystale Mae Valdez | 2022-03-21



Pray that Jesus will direct Emily's steps and help her with her faith. Pray that if the job she is at currently is where God wants her, that He will help her with her job and if He wants her somewhere else, pray that Jesus will put her on the path that she needs to be on and open doors for her. The job she is at currently, she has been there for 5 months. Pray that Jesus will help Emily to have the emotional healing that she needs and to put her trust in God and to stop being so controlling. Pray that Jesus will help Emily to make the right decisions and help her to be guided by God and not by the world.Pray that Jesus will surround her with the right influences and help her to reconnect to her faith. Her dad died when she was young and her step-dad committed suicide years later. She's been through a lot of rough things and only the Lord knows her heart and what is best for her.

7 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-03-20



Please join me in praying for my grandson, Karl Davis 2. Karl is incarcerated in Hagerstown Md., and is in a very dangerous position now. He is Bi-Polar, and has refused medication for a few months. I was contacted by the mental health representative, who advised me that he is acting weird. I know that he is in an episode and cannot comeout without medication. I am praying that he will go to the hospital and receive medication,. Fear brings on these episodes, so I pray that he will remain safe and be healed.

7 People are praying
Reevaughan Davis | 2022-03-18



Getting a procedure and asking God to lift her up and to be with the Doctors and nurses as they perform the procedure! Claiming all victory in Jesus name

5 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2022-03-10



Praying for healing, Peace and comfort for my friends mom, Nancy Chaney and her family.

3 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-03-09



Please pray for my son Russell that he would receive the anointing of the holy spirit with wisdom, knowledge and discernment to make good Godly decisions. Pray that he give his life to the Lord and repent of his sins and be the man and father that the Lord created him to be. In Jesus Name Amen

4 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-03-06



Please pray for my mom and dad health and God's guidance and protection in their lives. Pray for wisdom and discernment in their lives.

0 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-03-01



Please pray for sleep at night and finances

0 People are praying
Crystal Vines | 2022-02-22



I am asking for prayer for Nancy Chaney from NC. She has Pneumonia and now a low blood pressure. Praying for healing for Mrs. Chaney and peace of mind for her family. We are trusting in the Lord!

1 People are praying
Nancy Chaney | 2022-02-22



Pray for my husband he barely got a job 3 weeks ago after being unemployed since November yesterday he was told he was laid off due to slow work, also pray for his health. Pray for my husband's sister she is having prolapse issues. Pray for my cousins Fiancee he is also having heart medical issues. Pray for my mom for her health, job & finances.Pray for my aunt she has some personal issues. Pray for my friend Abby she is having personal issues. For my other cousin he has been drinking & does drugs for many years pray the Lord would take away those vices. Also a special prayer for another cousin of mine in FT. Worth her husband was shot & killed and she is heartbroken. Pray for my pastors grandson who is in the military that the Lord would bring him home safely.Pray for my children for their health, protection, schooling & walk with the Lord. Also pray for my father to be saved pray the Lord send him Christian people to talk to him about Jesus.Pray for those people who have mistreated us & been cruel, I pray the Lord bless them & change them . Please pray for me my anxiety, pray for my business & also for our families finances that we can again prosper like we once were. Thank you"

2 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-02-14



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen ................Please pray GOD brings me (Phil Chavez) my helpmate real soon in JESUS Name. Been praying for this since my early mid 20's and now I'm 49 years old

3 People are praying
Phil Chavez | 2022-02-11



Requesting prayer for my sister Pam Flythe. She is scheduled for surgery on her wrist on February 11th. This is the fourth surgery, I am seeking the Lord on her behalf that the doctors will get it right this time, that she will no longer have constant pain, that she will get the mobility of her wrist, that she can return to work. Amen.

9 People are praying
Marion Flythe-Inman | 2022-02-04



PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name

1 People are praying
PRAYER REQUEST | 2022-01-30



Please pray for my neighbor Gemma whose only child past away. She went to sleep and never woke up. She had a baby recently and was planning her wedding. Her death is leaving major sorry and the family is in great need of major prayer! Thank you in advance to all who will pray.

9 People are praying
Bertha Gaymon | 2022-01-23



Please pray for my fiance. He has met with obstacles for his job. Pray that God will help him overcome. Ithas been tough 6 months for him Pray that God will open the doors so he does not become bankrupt Pray that God will send help to him and let him complate his job.Also pray for him that everything will work out well, including his health

7 People are praying
Janice Lim | 2022-01-20



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

7 People are praying
Phil Chavez | 2022-01-15



Mr.and Mrs Lott are being robbed by co workers, Mr. Lott is bedridden, Mrs Lott is upstairs with alcohol as if he is not there and hardly ever come down to check on him, I was asked to come help my sister but I hate what I am seeing, he needs 24hr care from honest caretakers, but instead she got crooked people in the night to care for him yet stealing all the toiletries etc. It overwhelmed me to see someone in this state and no one acts as if they have a real sense of humor. Ask God to touch my mother that's fighting sinuses problems, ask God to touch my sister and me as well, he is a healthy man to keep trying to lift to bathe him. Ask God to visit me that we may get these issues off my mind and in my heart. Please and thank you.

2 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-01-14



Message @dakeandtyke on instagram to update on their long journey and praise them

5 People are praying
Praise for dake and tyke | 2022-01-14



Now break through In my Life and lifestyle.....

0 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-01-13



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

98 People are praying
Phil Chavez | 2022-01-11



I don't have anyone in my life that can understand my trust and faith in Jesus. If I tried to explain the favor and blessings God has shown me in my relationship with Kevin they couldn't understand. Please support me by praying with me to Jesus to answer all my prayers concerning my relationship with Kevin. May the Lord continue to show me favor. May the Lord continue to bless and protect me and Kevin relationship. May the Lord remove all the obstacles and continue to fight for us and bring us back together. In the name of Jesus I pray that kevin and I relationship is no longer off and on, on and off but long term. Amen

107 People are praying
Samantha | 2022-01-10



Pray for my cousin's Shanna and Brianna Beareving the passing of their father my cousin James Jackson Sr.

114 People are praying
Ted McCullough | 2022-01-08



Pleas pray for Ted’s and my cousin Minister Carllesia Gaither who is in the hospital after being diagnosed with the Covid virus, thanks in advance

114 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2022-01-08



Please keep my neighbor Bernice Smith aunt Margaret Speight in your prayers. The doctor gave her 48 hours to live. Thanks each of you in advance and I thank God for your prayers.

110 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2022-01-08



Pleases keep my neighbor Marcus Boykin whose grandmother passed and his family in your prayers and thank each of you in advance

107 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2022-01-08



Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Maple Springs Baptist!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 75 my main concern is if the library closes again for the virus for a couple of months sleeping under the highway bridge at night i will find great comfort in knowing people are still praying for me on the Prayer Wall!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 1/8/22

104 People are praying
Daniel cahill | 2022-01-08



Since Jan 4th, I’ve had symptoms of the flu or easily covid. There are days when I’m in bed most of the day and all night. Fever, loss of appetite, congestion, many of the symptoms. Pray God will strengthen my body and fortify my immune system to fight this. Pray for supernatural wisdom for my immune system and by body in this battle. Pray God will fully activate and mobilize my entire immune system to war and defeat this, overwhelmingly. Pray my immune system will learn and grow through this, to develop durable, robust immunity to this! Finally, pray I will be strong and alert for the 2+ hr. drive (each way) to get my covid PCR test, and arrive safely and get accurate results to the test. It’s the only one I could get so soon. Pray that the healing will be complete by the scheduled date to get tested, and that I will receive a TRUE NEGATIVE, because I’m between jobs, single and by myself, and can’t financially afford being quarantined 2 weeks. I’m concerned I’ll lose my apartment if I test positive (but God is good), because of the quarantine time, preventing employment to pay rent and bills. Pray that through these trials, God will cleanse and purify my heart, remove sin issues, draw me closer to Him, deepen my faith and strengthen my prayers. Pray God will fulfill 1 Pet 4:1-2 in my life “he who has suffered in his body is done with sin…(and the rest).” Thanks.

12 People are praying
Seth | 2022-01-07



Heavenly father, I thank you for restoring health unto me. I thank you for restoring my body to Your divine blueprint. I thank you that every abnormal cell, organ and system is now being reset. My mind is at ease and peaceful, my heart is open, light and joyful. My body is healed. Restored and renewed. In Jesus's name. I praise you for this coming victory. Amen.

13 People are praying
Taryn DeCicco | 2022-01-06



Dear father pls pray for my family suffering from debts and basic needs

9 People are praying
narendra kumar | 2022-01-06



I want to thank the Lord for my husbands new job and thank the Lord for providing for us.

0 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-01-06



Hoping that the truth comes out once and for all about some things, that justice is served, and some games and nonsense stop before more good people get hurt. This was a really sick and wicked thing that happened where this man and some others are trying to cover up their mistakes, and don't want the truth out there, have no business with their mindsets being in the positions that they are in. I got messed up really bad, where I need nothing short of about a miracle internal healing from the sick thing that happened. I can't ho out and do what I was before, and battling bitterness, and resentment over it all as well. Hoping for a true breakthrough in some at areas soon.

5 People are praying
Gavin L. Turner | 2022-01-04



Join me in prayer for complete healing for my cousin Jermaine Browne who was in a terrible car accident in New York. He is in intensive care and needs our prayers.

12 People are praying
Jermaine Browne | 2022-01-03



I got hurt and messed up badly by someone trying to cover up a mistake that was made. This guy was wanting to permanently mess me up bad to cover up something. Need nothing short of about a miracle to heal internally from it. I'm hoping justice is finally served to this man for making my life a hell, it was outright sick what happened. And now its put me in a position where I'm falling into temptation more easily because I can't go out and do what I was before that opens up doors to demonic oppression influence, harassment and torment.

1 People are praying
Gavin L. Turner | 2022-01-02



Can some one call us plese 229 322 2107

0 People are praying
Anonymous | 2022-01-02



Pray that I reconcile my relationship with Eric. Pray my tumors and cysts disappear. Pray for my grandmother's health. Thanks so much

17 People are praying
sun | 2021-12-31



PRAYER REQUEST Protection prosperity miracles wisdom freedom, bigs gains, winner's life of bigs gains, chance success healthy healing for pastor Thieringo in Jesus name l

8 People are praying
PRAYER REQUEST | 2021-12-31



Pray that all the body changes pray about would come through and par for money to help poor people. Pray to be used by GOD,

8 People are praying
zachary smith | 2021-12-30



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

3 People are praying
Phil Chavez | 2021-12-27



Praying everyone has a safe Christmas and uses caution when celebrating with family and friends. Don’t spread germs, wear your mask, wash your hands and spread love of Christ instead!! I love you family MERRY CHRISTMAS 🙏🏾❤️

4 People are praying
Shanell McInnis | 2021-12-25



Please pray for me I been suffering from this since 2016 I’m been beyond tired of fighting this hard battle over and over again I’m dealing with annoying voices and strange hallucinations seeing annoying faces the doctor says it’s schizophrenia psychosis I’m tired of fighting with it I don’t like going to the hospital hate it there it doesn’t make me better neither does the medication please pray that they won’t get worse

10 People are praying
Kimberly lampkin | 2021-12-24



Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Maple Springs Baptist prayer wall!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 75 and the holidays can be so lonely just need GODS help to make it through!GOD richly bless you and Merry Christmas brother Danny 12/23/21

5 People are praying
Daniel Cahill | 2021-12-23



In what seems like a mess. I was hurt and messed up badly by someone who was trying to cover up a mistake. I'm hoping not only to heal and recover from what happened, but also that the truth comes out about some things too, and some games and nonsense end for good with some people.

2 People are praying
Gavin Turner | 2021-12-21



On Monday, Dec. 13, 2021, I sent an email to the employees of our ministry that angered some people in leadership. Shortly afterwards, a man named Nicholas, who has a demonic stranglehold over our ministry, tried to attack me. I fled to my apartment, and he went there to attack me, but I escaped. Now they suspended me for insubordination, because no one believes my reasons for leaving work without warning. Pray that our HR lady, Donna, will call Nicholas in, and call in key witnesses, hand-picked by God to be present. I’m sensing it should be our President, Janice, and my manager, Stephanie. Pray for that. Pray the conversation will be fully recorded, fully documented. He is a very proud man; I’m not expecting conviction, just full disclosure, which I only expect to happen because I’m asking many to pray. I pray for Donna, myself and the team, for wisdom, the words to say; that every word we say will be led precisely by the Holy Spirit, designed to compel Nicholas to full disclosure. I pray the Lord will bind, block and silence all lying and deceiving spirits. Block him from all lies and deception. Bind his tongue to Your truth and don’t let it go until he discloses all of it. Bind him to the seat he’s sitting in until the full truth has been disclosed. Reveal to everyone his rage, his violence, and how extremely dangerous he is to me and the ministry. Through that, fully exonerate me! Pray many, many powerful prayer warriors will pray for this. Thanks.

2 People are praying
Seth | 2021-12-20



please pray for Karen she is having a bad time with Depression thank you.

0 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-12-20



Asking for prayer for my cousin Jennifer Prescott and her husband Spencer Prescott . Spencer is in the hospital with COVID, doctors are saying his lungs and kidney function are at 25%, they are talking about putting him on a ventilator. Spencer is and was the caretaker for Jennifer as a result of strokes and she is not fully functional. .

8 People are praying
Margaret McDowell | 2021-12-20



I just want to let you all know that my neighbor Melinda came through her surgery well and went to rehab and is now home praise God! He is a healer.

5 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2021-12-19



Dear Lord, Please expose the The Sinful Toxicity of The SpongeBob SquarePants Fandom and make The SpongeBob SquarePants Fandom's Sinful Toxicity replaces The SpongeBob SquarePants Fandom with an New Generation of Fans into an New Generation of Fans finding interest in 1980s Favorites(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters and Masters of the Universe) right now in Jesus Name, Amen!

1 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-12-18



Please, pray for Jason and his family's salvation. Jason doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. Furthermore, pray for his job situation to improve. Also, pray for me to follow God's direction. Thank you!

6 People are praying
aeg | 2021-12-17



Hoping that justice is served once and for all to some people in this city who think they are above the law, and who think if you blow the whistle on the nonsense they are doing they can use their money, etc to get them out of trouble, can wreck peoples lives, etc. I got hurt and messed up badly by this man who was trying to cover up a mistake, he wanted me dead, its ridiculous and all what's happened not only has put me in a bad situation but has me out of my usual nice self.

5 People are praying
Gavin L. Turner | 2021-12-14



Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Maple Springs Prayer Wall!Please say a prayer for me i am saved yet homeless at 75 and asking prayer that I will not be sad or crying during the Holidays!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 12/11/21

9 People are praying
Daniel Cahill | 2021-12-11



In a very frustrating situation, and needing both healing, and deliverance to be able to move on with God's plan for my life. Serious internal neurological healing in my brain, as well as deliverance, demonic Bondages and strongholds broken within my soul (mind, will, and emotions)

8 People are praying
Gavin Turner | 2021-12-10



Pray God will open the mind of John King. Pray mountains be removed around him. Pray the Holy Spirit will overtake his heart mind and soul. Pray God will show John King to love Mary and be kind hearted to her. Pray John ask forgiveness. In Jesus Name. A Christmas Miracle!

8 People are praying
Mary Martinez | 2021-12-10



Please pray that God would lead and guide my paths. Pray that every crooked place would be made straight. Pray also that God would put the right people in my life. Finally pray that God would help and bless all of my friends.

12 People are praying
Paul | 2021-12-09



My prayer request is for marriages : Thank you God for it is you who created marriages as you intended and for those joined together by You. You’re word says in Matthew 19:6 what God has put together let no man separate ( including women) Lord I pray that you open the eyes of each spouse and let them realize that you had and have a plan for their becoming United and that you have blessed them to become one, flesh, which is a mystery. Thank you for what you are doing in and through marriages and help us to use your relationship and love for us the church as the example in our marriages so that through them you are represented well and you get the glory, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

13 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2021-12-08



Requesting prayer for my friend Vermell Powell who was diagnosed with cancer a few moths ago and who is starting her treatment today. Praying that the Lord heals her body and and to allow her to have little to no side effects from the treatment. That God gives her the right staff to help her as she goes through the process that can encourage her and help her where she needs help. Praying that the Lord keeps her family and give them peace and what they need to assist her during her healing process. I thank you Lord for her healing in advance and believe that you are able to do exceedingly and abundantly what we ask or think according to the power that works in us. In Jesus name I make this request, 🙏🏽 Amen.

11 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2021-12-08



I am requesting prayer for my neighbor Melinda Hunter who will be having surgery tomorrow, that God heals her body as He is our healer and that he give her and her husband Rob and their children His peace that surpasses all understanding before , during and after her surgery., in Jesu name🙏🏽

12 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2021-12-08



First and foremost ask God to remove the poison from all of his children nationwide. Please ask God to touch my mother that's mourning the lost of her last only living brother Mel, and ask God to touch my mother body suffering from the shingles with chronic pain that keeps her up at night and the Gout that's trying to cripple her she's 80 yrs old and gets around nicely until these illments still hanging around, ask God to touch my body physically, mentally, and emotionally as I have to care about her, ask God to touch my finances seems like every year at the end I am without work and I am stressed daily. Please and thank you so much.

14 People are praying
Theodora Collins | 2021-12-06



Please help me pray for the restauration of my eye sight I pray God to deliver me from masturbating I pray for favour as I am about to sign my first employment agreement I pray for success in my aws cloud exam . I pray for my family specially for my parents .that the good Lord give then long life and good health , I ask God to connect me to my rightfully partner .that wherever he is may God grant him his heart desires. And make him a better person . May the blessings of the lord keep me safe .amen

3 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-12-03



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

9 People are praying
Phil Chavez | 2021-12-02



My Uncle Robert Carpenter had a Double by-pass surgery instead of Triple. He did well, but the next 24 hours will be crucial. Please keep him and his Family lifted in Prayer.

11 People are praying
Angie Carpenter | 2021-12-02



God is good, He loves and cares richly for us, 1 Peter 5:7… He means us so well even in the midst of what we deem craziness… His hand is still on us, We are thankful for ur love for us. Praise the Lord for our Pastor Tarver, hold him up on every side. AMEN AMEN AMEN

12 People are praying
Shanell McInnis | 2021-12-02



I am asking for prayer for my 5 year old granddaughter Layla who was admitted into Children's Hospital today. Pray for a diagnosis and treatment to heal her. Amen Marion Flythe-Inman

10 People are praying
Marion Flythe-Inman | 2021-11-30



My cousin in love mother had a series of small strokes her name is Nancy Cain please keep her lifted in prayer

17 People are praying
Teresa Thompson | 2021-11-28



I ask for prayer for the Lord to provide my mom and I a house or duplex. We have been moving a lot for years and been homeless twice and we would like to settle in a place without having to worry about moving again.

15 People are praying
Melodie Cooper | 2021-11-28



A coworker of mine lost her dad in September and lost her cousin yesterday 11/23/21 to Breast Cancer her name is Rose Arrington please lift her and her mom up in prayer.

20 People are praying
Teresa Thompson | 2021-11-23



Giving the Lord honor and praise for all he is doing for me and my family. Psalms 33:1 says "Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord; it is fitting for the pure to praise him. The Lord is truly good." It does my heart good to hear good news! I asked for prayers for my friend's husband and the prayers of the righteous availed. Her Husband Jerry was released from the hospital yesterday. When he went in his sugar was too high to be measured; when he left on yesterday it was 134; Hallelujah! Thanks you Lord. Thank you all for your prayers, because prayer works. Amen Marion

13 People are praying
Marion Flythe-Inman | 2021-11-23



Prayer for Ted Williams who is looking for Housing, he is a good christian that needs a miracle. Prayer for Live Oak Baptist Church and Pastor Ron Every Chain Broken in His Life. Prayer for Martin Healing and restoration. Prayer for Sister Danicka and her co-workers protection from covid 19, prayer for Sister Jeanne’s job favor and, and a new position! Prayer for Sister Danicka's work and schooling favor. Prayer for Aaron healing in his back. Prayer for Tihara healing in her body. Prayer for Mercedes healing and a closer relationship with the Lord. Special prayer for Malachi and his school which is dangerous, praying for his education and safety. Prayer for Termaine’s Job and school and balance in Jesus Name! Prayer for Jamar that he would get into treatment and safety. Special prayer for Mercedes full deliverance and healing in Jesus Name! Prayer for Ted Williams he needs housing and he loves The Lord! Special prayer Lovely to be made whole. Prayer for Steven the owner of sound west. Special Prayer for Rev Leigh for her job and the plot of several evil supervisors to remove her, she has one particular Supervisor who plots evil against her and talks about her behind her back, we pray that God would remove her period and her plan comes to nothings. Prayer for Cindy’s son to be healed and saved in Jesus Name and for her to have peace of mind! Prayer for Ecclesia Church to grow in every way and the enemies chains to be broken! Prayer for Demetra for favor blessings and provision. Prayer for Rev Leighs mom. Prayer for The United States for Peace, and safety, prayer for The President and The Congress! Prayer for Reverend Benson's Job for favor blessings and promotion. Prayer for Royce, He has been through a lot but The Lord brought him out! He still needs full deliverance, disintegration, implosion of every evil plot, and the favor of God to rest upon his life (Isaiah 54:17). Most of all right now he needs a job or income to succeed in Jesus name! Pray that God would send warring angels to defeat and remove any demonic force against this brothers destiny. Pray that Gods hand would be upon them and give them increase in every way, including a good job and finance, and provisions. Prayer for housing and the right location to live in. Also for income suitable for every dream and vision God has given him. Prayer for those whom he has to interface with. Prayer for God to grant him, complete peace, strength, wisdom, healing and fill him with the Holy Spirit and be made whole & set free. Pray also pray that God will continue to supply their every need and show favor, according to his riches in Glory. That God would clearly show his path and will for this brothers life, and everything he touches will be anointed by God, including him. Prayer against any disease agent living in his body to be healed in Jesus Name. Prayer for the books and CD’s that are being birthed out of this experience, that they will bless everyone and the funds will be there to produce these items. Pray for the people and churches connected to his life to be blessed and be a blessing. Pray that God would order his steps, and clearly and fill him with the Holy Spirit and Fire! Also pray for his children and family to be protected and blessed with the favor of God and financial provision, and to be saved and in church. Prayer for the funds for medical and dental coverage to happen soon. Prayer for the 3 businesses and the 501c3 outreach ministry would be birthed in Jesus Name. Lastly, pray for God’s protection and favor to be upon his life! Prayer that he would refuse to wear the garment of anger, bitterness, frustration, pain, or shame. Prayer for new beginnings and fresh starts in Jesus Name, prayer that God would break every stronghold and plot of the enemy against his family and friends. Prayer that the eyes of his understanding be open in Jesus Name. Prayer that every fruit of the spirit be in and a part of this brother s life, and he would be enriched with many gifts from God for ministry" But most of all he needs a house a place to call his own in Jesus Name! Please also pray for Royce to be able to save and do what he needs to do as he enters into the winter of his life. Prayer for Minister Taylor heart to be made whole. Prayer for Wholeness for Royce Jr, Ayesha, Chelsea, Alexa, Jiesharae all would be saved. Prayer for Kenneth Jr for protection and to be saved. Prayer for Pastor Rich's son’s full recovery in Jesus Name! Prayer for Sister Carr Healing in Her body. Prayer for Ecclesia to clearly serve and please the Lord! Prayer for Pastor Ron and Live Oak to walk in God’s will! Prayer for protection and blessings upon , Sister Edna, Sister Jeanne, Rev Leigh, Rev Judy, Sister Lavonnis, Sister Alyce, Brother Malachi & His Mother and Father, Brother termaine, Sister Danicka. Prayer for Lewis Harris favor and Blessings. Prayer for Moma Turner good health and blessings. Michelle Hadley as she has bone cancer. Special prayer Rev. Leigh, favor blessings as she continues to serve the Lord, prayer for her upcoming CD Project: Pray for deliverance for Kenny Jr. Prayer for Ecclesia Church to get their own building given by God in Jesus Name! P Prayer for Paytins Eyesight & protection. Prayer for Royce Jr and his wholeness in Jesus Name! Special prayer for Ted Williamns for healing. Special prayer for Ecclesia Church for every chain to be broken and every strong hold broken, and for leadership to be on one accord.

22 People are praying
Art Done | 2021-11-21



Please help me to pray humbly for the intercession of the Holy Spirit in all the actions of Michele Rios & Clara Maria; may they actions become blessings of God, That Blessed and Protected and Released be my Life, Health and my Job and the life of my dear Fatima Rodriguez with the discernment of the Lord to us in any situation of our Life. In the name of Jesus, blessed be. Thank you!

3 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-11-19



Father, Wilson Powell, is in critical condition. Pray that the Lord help family to make right decision for his healing.

19 People are praying
Velma Thomas | 2021-11-19



Please pray for my younger brother spiritual growth and God's guidance and protection in his life. Pray for prayerful and God's God's fear in his life.

2 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-11-19



Please pray for finances for back rent and sleep at night

26 People are praying
Crystal Vines | 2021-11-17



Hello pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at the Maple Springs Baptist church! Please forgive me i do not know what else to do homeless at 75 in NYC for 15 years your prayers give me strength not to give up altogether! Thank you and GOD bless you. Brother Danny 11/17/21

23 People are praying
Daniel Cahill | 2021-11-17



Church Family, please join me in prayer for my friends, Donita and Jerry Lee. Donita just called me to let me know that she's at the hospital with Jerry and he is in a very bad way with his sugar. They need ours prayer for healing and restoration. Church stand and agree with me in prayer. "Your word says in Psalm 107:19-20 that when we call out to you the Eternal one you will give the order, heal and rescue us from certain death. In the Bible, I have read of miraculous healing and I believe that you still heal the same way today. I believe that there is no illness you cannot heal after all the bible tells of you raising people from the dead so I ask for your healing in this situation. I also know from my experience of life on earth that not everyone is healed. I pray your will is done in this situation. God, I thank you that Jerry belongs to you and that you are in control of everything that happens. With your eyes of mercies, look on this family and let your will be done, Amen. Marion Flythe-Inman

26 People are praying
Marion Flythe-Inman | 2021-11-17



My prayer is for Pastor Tarver who said he had a challenging day. He received a lot of bad news from various people. He mentioned he heard about deaths, sickness and heartaches. I pray that God will continue to hold him up through our helping hands. I’m praying mightily for my Pastor and hope all who reads this request will do the same!!!

25 People are praying
Rev. Bertha Gaymon | 2021-11-16



As this day, the anniversary of our son Leon’s transition, comes to an end, I am happy to say that the Lord blessed the Gaymon family tremendously! We had a great day in the midst of emotions, laughter and reminiscing! I praise God for His marvelous love toward us!

28 People are praying
Bertha Gaymon | 2021-11-15



Please pray that the Thanksgiving dinner to be held at my home is a wonderful time of loving each other, re-connecting with folk who’ve not been together in over a year and most of all—giving thanks like never before!

24 People are praying
Bertha Gaymon | 2021-11-15



PRAYER REQUESTS: A MUST READ: INFO: SOME WICKED PEOPLE WHO HATE GOD IN THE USA Have sent many persons to Jamaica to attack the Church of Jesus Christ. The church does not know what has happened and they need to be shown and set on by God to decimate and will decimate the wicked. They have done many wicked things in Jamaica against pastors who have bought great disgrace to the Church in Jamaica. Many have come to go into communities to pervert the people and turn them into activists of evil,; killers/ senders of serpent-spirits on people/, and witchcraft workers. Many people died in the past and some are still dying because of those in the past. New ones have come now. They will have to be arrested by God spiritually and removed from service permanently by GOD the big-breasted One who is too much for is enemies. The foes have converged to destroy the people of GOD SPECIFICALLY ME, they attacked my family esp. the babies in the past and have done wicked things to us. BECAUSE OF THE good things I have been doing for GOD. They have gone into communities to destroy the lives of the people. I and my house have been singled out for attack since I have been praying for the will of God to be done for God’s people. Those who cover me and my house also need to be preserved from the wicked, mightily AND CONTINUALLY GIVE REVELATIONS TO TEM AND HELP THEM TO RECEVE PRAY! PRAY!! PRAY MIGHTILY FOR US They attacked me five times with serpents and great evil eas done, not anymore. Pray for the Churches that God will fight for them so tremendously that there wil l be no one of the eicked evel doing evil activities. PRAY THAT GOD WILL:- WARN THE PEOPLE GIVE VISIONS AND DREAMS THAT WILL BE PROAACTVE.AND LEAD THEM ALL TO TREMENDOUS WILL OF GOD WINNING BATTLE. PRAY FOR WORLD-WIDE DARLING HOLY SPIRIT WORK TO DESTROY THE WICKED AND UPHOLD GOD AND HIS CHURCH AND WHATEVER ELSE GD WANTS FOR THE CHURC IN JAMAIC AND VICTORY FOR THEM CONTINUALLY IN CHRIST JESUS.

26 People are praying
J.Kelly | 2021-11-15



Struggling. My heart feels like a gaping black hole of pain. Husband left me 6 months ago. Thought I was making progress recovering but just a mess tonight. Please pray for his salvation and for God to intervene to prevent divorce.

33 People are praying
ANNA | 2021-11-14



Please pray for my daughter Ashley. She is going through a deep depression. She needs all prayers to help her through this trying time. Pray for son, Solace, that he might not suffer because of it.

8 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-11-14



Please pray that God would help me through struggles and battles I'm facing in my life. Pray that God would help me financially and in my relationships. Finally pray that God would give me breakthrough.

30 People are praying
Paul | 2021-11-14



Please pray for bother Tilley and his wife Daphne for his health and her strength and peace.

24 People are praying
Marion McCullough | 2021-11-14



Please pray for me. I work at a Christian ministry, but we have some people who are trying to destroy my reputation and get rid of me. Please pray for the Lord’s powerful protection over my life. Pray that no one can harm me or falsely accuse me in any way. Pray for favor, honor and respect as I go about my work, and the wisdom to protect myself. I’ve been working through the weekends trying to get my work done, because what I try to do is blocked. I am lied to constantly. Pray for breakthrough. Pray for great success in my work, that I will do everything to serve the Lord, for His glory.

18 People are praying
Seth | 2021-11-11



Pray for Tianna, a VSU student and all VSU students that they will keep their focus on God, and focus on pursuing their education. Pray for a discerning spirit to connect with people who God has intended for them to connect with.

24 People are praying
Maria | 2021-11-10



"Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that's within me, Bless His Holy Name". I praise God for allowing my son to get a job in his field of study. I praise him for the small steps of the mending process in our relationship that's taking place.

1 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-11-10



Pray for Tianna, a VSU student and all VSU students that they will keep their focus on God, and focus on pursuing their education. Pray for a discerning spirit to connect with people who God has intended for them to connect with.

0 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-11-10



I ask for prayer for my cousin Valerie Spann.

35 People are praying
Angie Carpenter | 2021-11-09



Fell and broke her hip and developed a blood clot in her lung. Shady Grove Hospital

7 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-11-09



Praying for the members of the church

35 People are praying
Rev G Daughtry | 2021-11-09



Currently in hospital complications from. LUPUS No family or church home

43 People are praying
Lore McPherson (Cookie) | 2021-11-09



Please pray for Jai Tarver and her friends in the loss of her Morehouse Brother Tyrone Holmes. Please pray for comfort for those students who are grappling with their grief.

32 People are praying
Lovie Tarver | 2021-11-09



Currently in hospital complications from. LUPUS No family or church home

22 People are praying
Lore McPherson (Cookie) | 2021-11-09



Please pray for marriages and families

48 People are praying
Teresa Thompson | 2021-11-05



Please can you Please Pray FOR ME FOR GOD FAVOR OF Deliverance from strong Roots Holds of the Spirit Of Deception DEVOURERS UnBelief Stagnancy TORMENTED To be UPROOTED FROM ALL AREAS Of My LIFE Thanks for praying Agnes from USA

40 People are praying
Agnes mckittrick | 2021-11-04



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

34 People are praying
Phil Chavez | 2021-11-04



Hi pastor and all my wonderful brothers and sisters at Maple Springs Baptist!Please say a prayer for me saved yet homeless in NYC at 75 one day freezing next day mild next day freezing next day mild has left me exhausted please say a prayer that GOD will strengthen me in every area my GOD I am so very tiredtired!GOD richly bless you brother Danny 11/4/21

44 People are praying
Daniel Cahill | 2021-11-04



Please join me in praying for Maple Springs Bible College and Seminary. Continue to pray for a move of God. We thank God for the gift of his Word and the Victory that is promised. Thank you God that you are with us always, that your presence is mighty, and you hear our prayers. We know that nothing is too difficult for you Lord. We know and believe beyond any doubt, that your power and love will never fail. Amen!

36 People are praying
Minister Gloria Van Brakle | 2021-11-03



I'm asking for prayer for my Neighbor and dear friend, Mrs. Shirley passed away today, Please pray with me for her family, I'm asking for peace and comfort in there time of bereavement.

37 People are praying
Pearl Forte | 2021-11-03



Please pray for comfort, peace and healing for a dear friend of mine who was diagnosed with breast cancer and will be starting chemo this week.

33 People are praying
Maria Perry | 2021-11-03



[We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland, European Union and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher? Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end. Please pray that United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18). * Poland and European Union, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord, * the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." * my family: 1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case. 2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughters Ann and Kristin, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15 3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel, Ann(also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband) and Kristin, 4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.

17 People are praying
Edmund Krzeminski | 2021-11-03



Please be in prayer for my Aunts mother, Rose Wright, she is 83 years young with pneumonia and COVID symptoms, she is in good spirits but not feeling like herself. Please lift my Aunt, Jovon McInnis, as well who is one of her primary care takers and also a PG County bus aid. Thank you, to God be the glory for the healing that will take place and the comfort He will bring. AMEN

39 People are praying
Shanell McInnis | 2021-10-27



Please pray for me an my family, we are going thru covid as well as a hard time

3 People are praying
Anonymous | 2021-10-26



Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen

35 People are praying
Phil Chavez | 2021-10-25



Sending prayers up to our great God for all of those families grappling with bereavement. Asking for God's comfort right now for all of you.

77 People are praying
Pastor Sam Tarver | 2021-10-12



Praising the Lord because my cousin who has been waiting over a year for a kidney received it last month and is doing well.

66 People are praying
Kim Owens | 2021-09-24



Pray for my family.

55 People are praying
janelle | 2021-07-25