Ministry Director – Reverend Cynthia Parker-Bolden, D. Min
The Education & Training Ministries holistically address the spiritual, emotional, physical, intellectual, and educational needs of individuals in our church and community so that they may live a balanced victorious life.
If you would like information on how to join one of our ministries, please contact Education and Training Ministry at

IGNITE! Ministry
The IGNITE! Ministry offers Christ-centered personal and spiritual development classes and workshops for MSBC members and others within the Christian communities. Ministry classes are held normally in the fall and spring.
For more information or class schedules please contact us at
Vacation Bible School
Our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) runs for one week, normally in June. We have classes for youth and adults. The VBS Ministry strives to advance Biblical learning opportunities in a fun and relaxed atmosphere for all ages.
For more information please contact us at
Sunday School
The Sunday School Ministry’s mission is to teach the Word of God through spirit-filled and trained teachers; to instill in students Christian values, biblical concepts and principles; and to help deliver to them a basis for Christian living that will last a lifetime.
Our Sunday school classes start at 9am every Sunday. We have classes for all ages; youth starting at age 6, special classes for young adults and married couples!
For more information please contact us at
Tuesday Night & Wednesday
Noon-Day Bible Studies
The Bible Study Ministry seeks to equip church members to be disciples and ambassadors for Jesus Christ, by engaging in an in depth study of the word of God, through teaching and participant discussion, and then send them out with sound Biblical principles to impact the world for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bible Study is held every Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm and every Wednesday at noon.
Scholarship Ministry (Tuition Assistance and Graduate Recognition)
We provide tuition assistance to church members who meet the requirements during four years of college or trade school education. For more information please contact us at
Tutorial Ministry
The Tutorial Ministry aims to provide academic support, homework assistance and cultural enrichment activities for participants and is staffed with experienced and qualified educators who volunteer throughout the academic school year (October-May). For more information please contact us at
Health & Wellness Ministry
The Health & Wellness Ministry’s (HWM) mission is to engage our members and the community to increase awareness of healthcare related issues, provide information related to health resources and tools to live a spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually & interpersonally well- balanced life.
For more information please contact us at
New Members Ministry
The New Members Ministry is committed to uniting our new members (youth and adults) into the fellowship of the MSBC each month. The New Members Orientation Program strives to teach the basic beliefs and doctrines of the church, equip the new members to be disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, and acquaint them with various ministries of the church. The New Members Ministry helps to guide them into productive ministry/service and empower them to live transformed lives.
For more information please contact us at
Workforce Development Ministry
Workforce Development’s mission is to empower our members and the community to achieve and maintain successful, independent living. Our goal is to provide programs to assist participants with increasing their skill level to prepare them to compete for more equitable employment that will positively impact their lives and further our partnership with our community.
The Workforce Development ministry hosts job/career fairs throughout the year and workshops on all aspects of employment. The ministry partners with community and government agencies to bring recruiters on site to fill openings, assist with resume writing and job placement.
For more information please contact us at
Cultural Education &
Experience Ministry (C.E.E.M)
The Cultural Education & Experience Ministry (C.E.E.M.) equips and unites families by developing activities, gathering and distributing information on the culture, daily life, progress, diversity, contributions and achievements of African Americans. Each year C.E.E.M. hosts Black History Month activities that include programs, guest speakers, and a wealth of exciting information about African American heritage. C.E.E.M. seeks to empower Christians to learn more about the rich heritage of African Americans to impact others through education for our Lord Jesus Christ.
For more information please contact us at
Recreation Ministry
This ministry is responsible for supporting all sports teams and activities within a Christian-based league. We currently have a Softball Team that hosts games in our local community each baseball season.
For more information please contact us at
Toastmasters Ministry
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
For more information please contact us at