Our vision is to Connect people to a living, personal relationship with Christ; through the Overflowing power of the Holy Spirit, so that they will experience a New life in Christ; as we Nurture new believers in Christ with the eternal Word of God to become spiritually healthy and mature disciples of Christ; and Equip them to become an effective witness for Christ and release them to become Community “transformers”, Touching and transforming communities, all for the glory of God.
If you would like information on how to join one of our ministries, please contact our Connect Ministry at Connect@msbcmd.org.

Ambassadors are the glue, they are responsible for greeting members and friends, assisting our V.I.P. – Very Important Parishioners (Visitors), counting weekly attendance, and assisting the Pastor and First Lady with greeting visitors during services and inviting visitors to a meet and greet after service. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
Brand Management
Ministry ensures all outward facing communications include the MSBC branding. Will provide services to include creating banners, flyers, promotional collateral and assisting in collecting and creating content to be shared on the church’s various social media channels. We meet on the 2nd Monday of every month.
ConneXion Point
ConneXion Point engages new members of MSBC and helps to connect them to a ministry of their choice for the benefit of the Kingdom. This initial engagement is short-term and not expected to exceed 1 year. In this engagement, ConneXion Point will come alongside the Deacons and Deaconesses to ensure new members are acclimated with the church to increase retention by connecting each new member to at least one ministry.
Love Letter
The Love Letter has a three-fold purpose: to inform, to inspire, and to invite. First, the newsletter informs MSBC members about events, developments, and activities that are related to the church, members and the community. Second, the newsletter inspires current and prospective members by providing articles of connection, collaboration and celebration of partnerships, ministries and individual successes and milestones. Third, the membership is invited to collaborate to improve and increase awareness through authoring articles, conducting interviews and crafting human interest stories.
Please send an email to Connect@msbcmd.org to request the most recent copy of the Love Letter
Missing in Action
Missing in Action follows up with members who have not recently attended church service to ensure their needs are met. In addition, they will maintain contact with members who are away for college, military deployment, extended travel for work assignments or incarceration in prison through providing care packages.