Ministry Director – Deaconess Macleta Kingsland
Maple Springs is deeply committed to reaching up to God, out to serve and down to help those in our community. We seek partnership, when available, to assist us in empowering our community.
If you would like information on how to join one of our ministries, please contact our Christian Service and Community Engagement (Evangelism) Ministry at
-Evangelism & Bereavement Support
-Community Involvement
-Catastrophic & Care

Our goal is to have impact in our community and
we pursue this in a variety of ways including:
- Voter Registration Drives and Educational Forums
- Census Involvement
- Community Assistance
- Meal Distribution
- Food Bank
- Re-entry Assistance
- Workforce Development – Community Job and Career Fairs
- Street Ministry and Evangelism
- Red Cross Partnership
- Lott Carey Foreign Mission Partnership
- Maple Springs Community Service Corporation
- Maple Springs Baptist Bible College and Seminary